About Us
The New Way to success Improve progress Your Child Education
To become enabler in providing the finest quality primary and secondary education to Ummah by means of modern and competitive education system along with Islamic , ethical and moral value promotion.
Who We Are
The OLIVE TREE is a unique initiative. Unique in the sense that it started as a collective effort to give something back to the society, something which we all feel obliged to.
The initiative gathered roots from discussions on the need to have an ideal school which would impart quality education including Islamic education. Schools and educational institutes are more of a business concern these days. Thus their standards are not up to the mark. An ideal Islamic school should be at par with the world and produce some of the finest students who can take on the world with confidence and charisma.
The School is an endeavour by the Hikmah Welfare and Education Society [Reg no Mah 712/2012 F-19172 (Ned)].
The purpose of the society is to maintain and operate a school in Nanded City under the model of social entrepreneurship. The society comprises of well-settled professionals from across the spectrum namely IIT alumni, Software / MNC professionals and teachers.
The School is a Muslim minority institution.
Our Uniqueness
Multiple Intelligence theory
Ours is a unique school based on principle of multiple intelligence theory (people smart, nature smart & logic smart) and effortless learning. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory was first published in his book, Frames Of Mind (1983), and quickly became established as a classical model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behavior - in education and industry.
Islamic Approach
Objective oriented Islamic approach in teaching, learning and character building is our unique initiative. We endeavour to provide basic Islamic etiquettes right from the beginning so that it becomes a habit. A balanced approach regarding the ‘deen’ and ‘duniya’ is the need of the hour.
Digital Learning Experience
We endeavour to provide a digital learning experience layer- making use of modern teaching aids and latest technology. Keeping abreast of the changing times, our approach will make use of the cutting-edge technology available for learning.
Education Triangle
Education triangle - Engaging teacher -parents and student in meaningful way to unsure holistic growth of children. We firmly believe that Parents and teachers are the catalysts in the process of all-round development of the child.
Modern Infrastructure
State of the art infrastructure and best in class student-teacher ratio are integral to quality institutions. Well equipped classrooms with state of the art teaching aids make learning effortless and enjoyable.
Curriculum and Quality of Teaching
Well crafted and balanced syllabus (CBSE) and expert performance evaluation criteria. Our focus remains on the best human talent available to impart quality education to the leaders of tomorrow.